After many months of work, video course iOS Development with Swift in Motion has just launched over at Manning Publications.
If you’re interested in taking on iOS Development, but aren’t sure if you’re ready to take the plunge, I’d say go for it! I’ve developed this course especially for people with some programming experience, so that we can skip past programming basics and get straight to the interesting stuff – what’s new, different and exciting in Swift. After a lightning tour of Xcode and setting up interfaces in Interface Builder, we get onto the main project of the course. We follow the evolution of this app from the germ of an idea right through to building all sorts of interesting features, such as connecting to a web service, displaying data in a table, taking photos, scanning bar codes, searching and sorting data and drawing custom graphics. We finish off by actually distributing the app to the App Store.
I’m excited to share this course with you. I hope you’ll find it useful and helps you launch your own app on the App Store! Good luck with it!
You can find more info on the course here.